Physically Transmitted Diseases: Just Typically the Details

The Sexually Transmitted Disease, also known as an "STD", is an infection that is transmitted between two or more individuals usually during a sexual act or some other exchange of body fluids. It is approximated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ("CDC") that more than 50% of all people will contract a Physically Transmitted Disease in their lifetime.

Once called venereal diseases, Genital Herpes STDs are among the most frequent infectious diseases in the United States today. It is the discussing of blood or other bodily fluids which allows the infection to be carried from one person to another. More than 20 Sexually transmitted diseases have now been identified, including the most commonly known diseases: HIV/AIDS, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Hepatitis M, Genital Herpes, Trichomoniasis (aka Trichomonas) and HPV. A few Sexually Transmitted Diseases, including the HIV and Syphilis bacterial infections, can even be spread by non-sexual contact with bodily liquids. Such infections would include transmission to an unborn child through the mommy during pregnancy and shipping and delivery, or infections spread for every person through intravenous drug use (including tattooing or ear piercing procedures) with an dirty ("dirty") needle.

Bacterial bacterial infections (such as Gonorrhea and Syphilis) and those STDs caused by parasites (including Trichomoniasis or Scabies) can be effectively treated with medication and cured. Signs and symptoms of STDs which are caused by viral infections (such as HIV, Genital Herpes or Hepatitis) are treatable, however the disease itself cannot be cured.

Although a great deal of progress has been conducted in recent years toward the reduction, diagnosis, and treatment of many STDs, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia estimate that approximately 19 million new STD attacks occur each year, almost half of them among young people ages 12-15 to 24.

Practice safe sex. Talk to your partner(s) regarding each other artists health status before engaging in a sexual connection. If you notice any rash, bumps or sores on your body, or experience any unusual bodily discharge (from the vagina in the female, or the penis in the male), stop having sex immediately, and make an visit for an examination with your doctor or local health care provider. When you have been diagnosed with any form of a Sexually Transmitted Illness, or STD, notify all partners immediately; take all medications as prescribed; and do not have sexual intercourse again until you and your partner(s) are physically eliminated to resume sexual activity


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